Jayne Berresford – 1/6/2019


This page was last updated on February 9, 2019.

Trump’s wall is just another of his boondoggles; Jayne Berresford (JB); Beaver County Times; January 6, 2019.

Previous Berresford letters I critiqued were entitled “Not sure we can take more of Trump’s greatness,” “Republicans fought Obama, now want cooperation,” “Latest letters prompt response from reader,” “How is Trump a step in the right direction,” “Repairs take time,” “Congress doesn’t have nation’s best interest” and “Help, don’t hinder.”  The previous letters I didn’t critique were entitled “Birth control not important issue” and “‘Our employees’ should live like us.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

Letter writer Glenn Bauernfeind asks why Democrats don’t want the wall.  Where to begin?

“I can only speak for myself when I tell you that I believe it to be another Donald Trump boondoggle, just like Trump University.  He’s already lied about his reasoning for the wall, he’s lied about already building part of his wall.  If Trump cared at all for the welfare of Americans, he would be doing things for us instead of things to make himself and his friends richer.”

[RWC] It is not government’s job to “do things for us” or to make anyone rich.

“Every move he has made in the past two years cost taxpayers big money and failed to benefit those who have to pay his bills.  Our money would be better spent on homeless veterans, kids with cancer, cancer research, health care, meals on wheels for the elderly, education, our crumbling infrastructure and cleaning up and protecting our environment for future generations.”

[RWC] Of JB’s list, only a couple are the responsibility of the feds.  Those are the subset of infrastructure “belonging” to the feds and “protecting our environment” for which the feds are responsible.  “Homeless veterans” is on the edge.  If a veteran’s plight is the result of his service, we are obligated to help.  The remaining items on JB’s list belong to the private sector and/or local/state government.

“The way things are right now, the danger is coming from within our country.  People can’t send their children to school or go to church or a movie without being gunned down.  The wall helps with none of that.  Bauernfeind may not think that handing $5.5 billion to someone who has never worked a day in his life and may or may not have paid taxes himself in years is a ‘big deal,’ as he put it, but I think Trump has spent way too much of other people’s money already.”

[RWC] Blah, blah, blah.

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