Jayne Berresford – 10/21/16


This page was last updated on October 27, 2016.

Latest letters prompt response from reader; Jayne Berresford; Beaver County Times; October 21, 2016.

This appears to be the seventh letter from Ms. Berresford (JB).  Previous Berresford letters I critiqued were entitled “How is Trump a step in the right direction,” “Repairs take time,” “Congress doesn’t have nation’s best interest” and “Help, don’t hinder.”  The previous letters I didn’t critique were entitled “Birth control not important issue” and “‘Our employees’ should live like us.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I often read the letters to the editor in The Times and am often inclined to respond to one or two.  I don’t know where to begin with the letters printed on Oct. 19.

“Let me start with the letter from Cindi Kincaid.  Anyone who would attack a person who deals with physical or mental challenges for no reason is the true cripple and is probably hopeless.”

[RWC] Ms. Kincaid (CK) is not the little angel she and JB would like us to believe.  Reviews of CK letters include “Trump provokes the worst in too many Americans,” “You can’t be informed by watching one channel,” and “Hillary is more qualified than any Republican.”

I thought use of the term “cripple” was offensive and/or politically incorrect.  I wonder if we’ll hear from Judy Pamer (JP).  During the 2008 campaign, JP had a fit when Sarah Palin referred to “her son as a ‘special needs’ child.”

To O.J. Schlueter: Perhaps President George H.W. Bush, like many other Republicans who are afraid of what Donald Trump might do, is more concerned with the safety and welfare of our entire country than he is his political affiliations.”

[RWC] The source of “George H.W. Bush endorsed Hillary Clinton for president” is a member of the Kennedy family, Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend.  GHWB has not commented in public about his preference.  You can get more details at Snopes.

To William Silver: With all due respect, sir, our Constitution was written long before automatic weapons were created and they knew nothing of what a lunatic inside a first-grade classroom could do.  I myself am a gun owner and have no problem with better background checks or any law that makes it safer.  Also, I don’t think men should really be allowed to have a vote on what goes on with my body or to forbid abortions no matter what the circumstances are.”

[RWC] JB wrote “our Constitution was written long before automatic weapons were created.”  Since she is a self-described “gun owner,” I’m sure JB knows “automatic weapons” are illegal.  The civilian purchase of new fully automatic weapons (multiple shots per trigger-pull) has been illegal since 1986.  Fully automatic weapons registered by civilians before 1986 are legal, however, and can be transferred to other civilians.  Further, it’s illegal to convert a semi-automatic weapon to automatic.

Just about all of us – including the NRA - want to keep firearms out of the hands of people who should not have them.  Nobody objects to “better background checks” as long as “better” doesn’t mean neutering the Second Amendment.  If, however, you say you’re in favor of “any law” that claims to make firearm ownership “safer,” you have a different agenda.

Does “any law that makes it safer” mean JB would support making firearm ownership illegal if “that makes it safer?”

Regarding abortion, I don’t get people who not only don’t bat an eye at doctors and mothers killing unborn children for convenience, but also vigorously defend it as the mother’s “right.”  Please read my review of “Republicans turn abortion into political issue.” 

To Rich Baron: You, sir, are obviously not being asked to live on minimum wage.  Even two people making minimum wage would both need second jobs, especially if they have a family.  Forget about owning your own home or college educations.”

[RWC] JB doesn’t know the minimum wage doesn’t work.  At its theoretical best, the minimum wage is a feel-good exercise that does nothing.  In practice, however, the minimum wage does harm.  In both cases the minimum wage is akin to a dog chasing its tail.

To Rita Gavert: I would suggest watching a real news channel that actually fact checks their stories.”

[RWC] What facts were wrong?

JB should be glad to know the source of the FNC story cited by Ms. Gavert was the Washington Examiner.

“To anyone reading this have a great day and don’t forget to vote.”

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