Mike Connifey – 10/7/12


This page was last updated on October 7, 2012.

Vote against Republicans; Michael Connifey; Beaver County Times; October 7, 2012.

Mr. Connifey’s most recent previous letter was “Romney lies on welfare.”  Previous Connifey letters are here, here, here, and here.

This is Mr. Connifey’s sixth letter since June.  Five of the six letters are Romney-bashing exercises while the fifth bashed Republicans in general.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In deciding who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election, one need only to turn to the home states of Romney/Ryan.  In Massachusetts, where Romney was governor, Romney/Ryan are losing by 28 percentage points to Obama/Biden.  In Wisconsin, Ryan’s home state, Romney/Ryan are losing by 12 points.”

[RWC] What Mr. Connifey fails to mention is both states tend to go with the Democrat candidate for President.  Short of a completely ridiculous Democrat candidate, it’s unlikely any Republican could win in either state.

Beginning with the 1972 election, Massachusetts has gone with the Republican candidate only twice (Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984).  MA has only one Republican representing the commonwealth at the federal level.  MA was the only state George McGovern (South Dakota was his home state) won in 1972.  MA went 62% for Mr. Obama in 2008.

Beginning with the 1972 election, Wisconsin has gone with the Republican candidate only three times (Richard Nixon in 1972; Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984).  WI went 56% for Mr. Obama in 2008.

“The folks who know Romney/Ryan best want nothing to do with them.  It seems that the only way Romney/Ryan can win is by cheating.  That would be voter suppression, which is happening across the nation.”

[RWC] If folks who know Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) the best want nothing to do with him, why did they re-elect him six times?  In the case of Mitt Romney, he didn’t seek re-election.

“In Pennsylvania, virtually all the Republican legislators and a Republican governor passed the most restrictive voter ID law in the country.  This was done to ensure that Romney/Ryan win Pennsylvania.  Just ask Republican legislator leader Turzai who has appeared on TV admitting as much.  If Romney/Ryan win in November by virtue of voter suppression, how can they govern the American people, over half of whom did not vote for them?”

[RWC] This is the second of Mr. Connifey’s letters to complain about photo ID.  Another state with a photo ID requirement (passed in 2011) is Rhode Island.  RI voters reliably vote Democrat, the Democrat Secretary of State started the bill process, and Democrats hold overwhelming majorities in both houses of the General Assembly.  The governor is an independent, a former U.S. Senate RINO with high ADA Liberal Quotients.

Lefties like Mr. Connifey rightly tell us to cherish the vote and “The right to vote is one of our most important rights,” then they go nuts when someone wants to protect that right by reducing the potential for voter fraud.  Does anyone doubt Democrats required photo ID to enter the 2012 Democrat National Convention?

As a reminder, it was Democrats who implemented the poll tax (a “Jim Crow” law) and was how southern Democrats suppressed minority (American Indians, blacks, etc.) and poor-white voters.

“Given that all Pennsylvania Republicans voted for this voter ID law, one would be justified in voting against all Republican candidates.  For me, that means that I will vote against Sen. Elder Vogel Jr. and Rep. Jim Christiana, legislators in my district.”

[RWC] As per The New York Times, PA’s Act 18 “is backed by 62 percent of likely voters, including about 9 in 10 Republicans and two-thirds of independents.  Most Democrats are opposed.  There are 10 other states with voter ID requirements.”

Gee, and here I thought it was a lock Mr. Connifey would vote for “Sen. Elder Vogel Jr. and Rep. Jim Christiana.” <g>

Finally, after six letters, while Mr. Connifey repeatedly told us we should vote against “Romney/Ryan” and “all Republican candidates,” he still hasn’t told us why anyone should vote for “Obama/Biden” and Democrat candidates.

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