Lynn Coleman Gardner – 3/31/09

This page was last updated on April 9, 2009.

Judge Obama’s character, not jest; Lynn Coleman Gardner; Beaver County Times; March 31, 2009.

Previous letters from Ms. Gardner are here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“I beg to differ with the writer of the letter to the editor regarding President Barack Obama’s bowling remark about special-needs individuals (‘Obama’s bowling jest wasn’t funny,’ March 24):

“The writer, who has a special-needs child, suggested he deliberately was bashing these children.  It’s not in his character because he wouldn’t have won by a landslide if that was in his true nature.”

[RWC] The subject letter actually said the author “was very offended by the degrading remark by President Barack Obama’s bowling joke.”

As for Mr. Obama’s “character,” who compares his athletic performance in a negative way to participants in the Special Olympics?  Indeed, I’d be willing to bet if bowling is in the Special Olympics just about all the participants could easily beat Mr. Obama.  I believe his “joke” was an indication of Mr. Obama’s “character.”  Given her body of work, can you imagine the letter we would have seen from Ms. Gardner had President Bush made a remotely similar comment?

Mr. Obama “won by a landslide?”  When did 52.9% become a landslide?

“He’s only been in office four months, and some people are nitpicking to tear him down, even if he smiles the wrong way.”

[RWC] I don’t recall Ms. Gardner complaining when fellow lefties made fun of how then-President Bush looked.  Indeed, the left routinely portrayed Mr. Bush as a chimp and referred to his smile as a smirk.

“I, too, have a mentally challenged daughter.  I have been a parent-advocate for more than 30 years and truly faced some hardships because of people’s ignorance.

“I refuse to let anyone rock our boat.  And if they try, it’s their problem, not ours.”

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