Peter Homitz – 10/2/08

This page was last updated on October 2, 2008.

Know the facts; listen to Fox News; Peter Homitz; Beaver County Times; October 2, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The writer of Friday’s letter to the editor ‘Palin ethics probe must keep going’ wrote that we ‘need to know the facts.’

“If he stopped reading and listening to the major media and watched Fox News, he would know the facts.

“Public Safety Director Walt Monegan has stated flat out that neither Gov. Sarah Palin nor her husband ever said to him to fire her sister’s ex-husband, who was a state trooper and had been found guilty in a court of law and suspended for a short time.”

[RWC] Though an Alaska State Police investigation found Trooper Mike Wooten (Gov. Palin’s ex-brother-in-law) guilty of several infractions (including tasering his 10-year-old stepson) and suspended him for five days, I don’t believe he was actually “found guilty in a court of law.”  I never heard the “court of law” claim on FNC.

“Monegan is not an elected official.  He is appointed and serves at the discretion of the governor.  She can fire him for any reason or no reason.  That’s the law, ipso facto.

“As a lifelong Democrat, I don’t understand how anyone could hate, despise or detest a woman as intelligent, as engaging, as forthright, and, did I say, ‘They will tell you she is attractive.’”

[RWC] Mr. Homitz has a history of claiming to be a Democrat though his letters tend to tell a different story.  As I’ve written before, I have a hard time accepting his claim to be “a lifelong Democrat” any more than I accept that Messrs. William A. Alexander, Arthur Brown, William G. Horter, Edward J. Hum, and George Reese are/were really Republicans.  Either Mr. Homitz is a Republican impersonating a Democrat, or he’s registered in the wrong party.

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