William G. Horter – 9/10/08

This page was last updated on September 14, 2008.

Voters must see through the fear; William G. Horter; Beaver County Times; September 10, 2008.

When Mr. Horter isn’t bashing Republicans in general, and President Bush specifically, he tries to push a taxpayer-funded, government-run healthcare system (some examples are here, here, and here) on U.S. citizens.

Mr. Horter used to be one of our local Republican impersonators (The group also includes Messrs. William A. Alexander, Arthur Brown, Edward “Fellow Republicans” Hum, and George Reese.) who write claiming to be disgruntled Republicans.  In June 2008 Mr. Horter wrote, “So after 50 years of being a Republican, I have changed my party.  I am now a Democrat.”

History also shows you need to do your own due diligence regarding the “facts” Mr. Horter presents in his letters and the comments he posts on the Times website.  Here’s just one example.

Along with other letter writers I’ve mentioned, I wish Mr. Horter could get a regular column in the Times.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Watching the Republican National Convention, and their speeches was puzzling.”

[RWC] Did schools teach sentence construction when Mr. Horter attended? <g>  Perhaps I shouldn’t throw rocks.

“Most of the speakers were talking about ‘draining the swamp’ in Washington as if they really haven’t been in power these last eight years.  Quite an amazing trick as far as I am concerned.”

[RWC] I guess Mr. Horter missed the news.  Democrats have held a majority in Congress since the 2006 election.

As far as speakers talking about draining the swamp, I have to admit I didn’t listen to many of the speeches.

Consider this, though.  When Mr. McCain had the opportunity to choose an “outsider” for VP, he did.  Whom did “change agent” Mr. Obama choose?  A 35-year Washington insider, Joe Biden.

“I just read a blog post where the poster made a cute comment: What is the difference between a Bush administration, and a McCain one?  ‘Lipstick.’”

[RWC] Not just “cute,” but original too – not.  I wonder how “cute” Mr. Horter would have found a comment about Mr. Obama’s skin color.

“The fear I have is that people will once more buy the rhetoric, and we’ll get four more years of ‘McSame.’”

[RWC] Mr. Horter keeps using his “McSame” term.  I guess he believes it’s clever, and obviously believes its premise.

“It was to me the same old story, be afraid, only the Republicans can save us.  No talk of real issues, like the problems of health care or disappearing jobs.  Pushing fear of Russia, Iran etc.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Horter doesn’t appear to believe national security is a “real issue.”

“It’s all so familiar.  I sure hope the voters see through all this fear this time.”

[RWC] You have to love a leftist accusing a Republican of using fear.  Aren’t Democrats the guys who always claim electing a Republican is the same as destroying Socialist Security?  Which party in the 1990s claimed black churches would burn if Republicans were elected?

“Yes, the party of the haves and have-mores is still talking tax cuts for the rich, which is themselves, despite the huge debt they have piled upon this country.  Much of that debt has been from hiring Republican businesses, by the way, such as Haliburton [sic], and Blackwater.”

[RWC] You have to love the class warfare stuff.  I guess it never gets old for folks like Mr. Horter.  I really wish all Republicans were “have and have-mores.”  It’s been a while since I checked, but in 2002 Roll Call reported the four richest U.S. senators, and nine of the top 12, were Democrats.  The richest Democrat (John Kerry) had over 13 times the wealth of the richest Republican (Lincoln Chafee).  (Mr. Chafee, effectively a Democrat who ran as a Republican, lost his seat in 2006.)  There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy, so why do so many wealthy Democrats claim Republicans are the rich guys?  If it were true, why wouldn’t everyone just become a Republican?

For as often as folks like Mr. Horter invoke the name Halliburton, you’d think they’d know how to spell it.  In any case, what makes these companies “Republican businesses?”  Is Progressive Insurance a Democrat business because its chairman (Peter Lewis) contributes millions of dollars to Democrat candidates, 527s, et cetera?  Was Halliburton a “Republican business” when it received contracts during the Clinton administration?

“I, for one, will not be fooled again.  Mark me down for change and hope.  Barack Obama gets the nod.  I really do think Obama has a better chance at draining that swamp.”

[RWC] Once again we have an Obama/Biden supporter who doesn’t tell us why he’s supporting the ticket except for the nebulous “change and hope.”

Mr. Horter claims he “will not be fooled again,” but that’s wrong.  He’s fooled every time accepts a piece of leftist ideology.

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