Larry H. Mason – 4/1/12


This page was last updated on April 1, 2012.

Western Pennsylvanians getting what they voted for; Larry H. Mason; Beaver County Times; April 1, 2012.

Among previous letters from Mr. Mason were “Collective bargaining a right,” “Many Americans squander an asset,” “Letting the voters have their way,” “When will troops leave Iraq?”, “Build another nuke plant,” “America must disarm Iraq,” “Win the war militarily,” “Defeat on several fronts,” and “Health care haves disdain have nots.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The people of western Pennsylvania want to keep the 911th air base.  The people of western Pennsylvania did not vote for this administration and likely never will.

“The basics of politics is reward your friends and punish your enemies.  Why would this administration help western Pennsylvania?  You don’t feed the dog that bites you.

“The parents of western Pennsylvanian children should teach their children there are repercussions monetarily for voting wrong or joining the Couch Party and not voting.”

[RWC] It appears Mr. Mason is telling us we should vote for people who promise to give us stuff.  It also appears Mr. Mason is claiming his apparent choice for President makes important decisions based on who voted for him.  It seems Mr. Mason just gave us one more reason why no one should vote for Mr. Obama.

“The people of western Pennsylvania wanted and voted for government spending cuts.  Bye, bye 911th air base, education, mental health funding and 1.7 percent for charities.”

[RWC] As for the 911th Airlift Wing, the decision should be based solely on what makes the most military and economic sense, period.

As for “education, mental health funding and 1.7 percent for charities,” those are not federal responsibilities under the U.S. Constitution so no federal taxpayer dollars should go to them anyway.  Where did “1.7 percent for charities” come from and what’s it in reference to?

Finally, Mr. Mason didn’t tell us who would end up paying for his laundry list.

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