David V. Matthews – 12/31/08

This page was last updated on January 4, 2009.

Story of Noah can’t justify goose hunt; David V. Matthews; Beaver County Times; December 31, 2008.

For background, in previous letters Mr. Matthews told us there’s no liberal media bias, President Bush committed treason, he’s positive creation played no role in our evolution, President Bush plans to nuke Iran this year (2006), “Centrism is Bushism,” the Bush administration may be “conducting warrantless surveillance upon” us, the Bush administration is “warlike and imperialist,” and President Bush “finds the war he started amusing.”  Mr. Matthews also gave us a lesson in creative reading.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In his Sunday letter to the editor (‘Nothing wrong with goose hunt’), the Rev. R. Daniel Knox attempted to justify the Bradys Run Park goose hunt by citing the Biblical story of Noah.

“After God had ‘destroyed all men and animals except for those he saved in the ark,’ he [sic] told Noah that people could survive from now on by killing and eating beasts, birds and fish.  Thus, the Bible implies that humans were not carnivorous until after the flood.”

[RWC] It looks like Mr. Matthews has moved from creative reading to creative logic.

“Also, what does the reverend think of this story depicting the God he worships in this way?  What did almost every person on Earth, including infants and children, do to deserve drowning?  What did almost every animal on Earth do to deserve drowning?”

[RWC] According to Genesis 6:5-7, “When the Lord saw that the wickedness of man on the earth was great, and that man’s every thought and all the inclination of his heart were only evil, he regretted that he had made man on the earth and was grieved to the heart.  Then the Lord said, ‘I will wipe from the earth man, whom I have created – man and beast, crawling creature and bird of the air as well – for I regret that I made them.’”

Now, I don’t know Mr. Matthews’ position on the subject of abortion, he may oppose it for all I know, but with all the hubbub about the goose hunt, I began to wonder how many of those who object to the goose hunt have no problem with killing unborn children for convenience.

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