Jerry Miskulin – 8/4/13


This page was last updated on August 17, 2013.

Under neighbor’s thumb; Jerry Miskulin; Beaver County Times; August 4, 2013.  At the time of this writing, this letter appeared only in the print edition of the BCT.  I apologize for any transcription errors.

I encourage you to review Mr. Miskulin’s body of work in the archives.  Mr. Miskulin has written at least 93 letters since 2004 (I didn’t critique all of them.).  Most (all?) are illogical and full of falsehoods (not just wrong).

Mr. Miskulin expressed displeasure with the tea parties (here and here), proclaimed “Rush Limbaugh is a propaganda minister,” and told us “Tariff is the best way to reduce deficit.”  Mr. Miskulin’s most recent letter was “No such thing as states’ rights.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The first group of people under their neighbor’s thumb was the African-Americans.  Next came the Jews.  Then came the Irish.  The southern and eastern Europeans in America came next.  Now, we have two sociological battles taking place.”

[RWC] Does Mr. Miskulin actually think slavery started when Africans – sold by other Africans – were brought to the New World?  Unfortunately, slavery predates recorded human history.  Mr. Miskulin quotes the Bible below; perhaps he should read Exodus.

“First, the gay and lesbian community has been under their neighbor’s thumb.  Tell me who cares what they do with their lives; just worry about what you do with your own life.  Try to polish yours up.”

[RWC] How are homosexuals “under their neighbor’s thumb?”  “Community” is feel-good leftyspeak for grievance/victim group.

As for “who cares what they do with their lives,” Mr. Miskulin’s ideology is all about telling people “what they do with their lives.”  Read his letters.

“Next, the abortion debate has the women under the thumb of men in Texas.  I have to laugh at that for it’s something that has been going on for years and the men may win the battle, but they’ll lose the war.  In the Bible, it says: ‘Judgment is mine sayeth the Lord.’  You would think people would learn.  The Lord also says: ‘Let you without sin, cast the first stone.’”

[RWC] This hurts the message Mr. Miskulin wants to send, but anyone who’s paying any attention knows mostly women lead the anti-abortion movement.  Does Mr. Miskulin really support killing unborn babies for convenience?

Interpreting the Bible quotes above as Mr. Miskulin apparently wants us to do means we can’t enforce laws because we can’t charge someone with a crime and, if we do, we can’t try them.

“For years, those stuck under people’s thumbs were numb, but they were never dumb.  The time has come to toss aside all blame and things will never be the same.”

 [RWC] ??? 

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