Jayne Berresford – 7/21/2019


This page was last updated on July 22, 2019.

GOP has no use for you if it can’t profit from you; Jayne Berresford (JB); Beaver County Times; July 21, 2019.

Previous Berresford letters I critiqued were entitled “Trump’s wall is just another of his boondoggles,” “Not sure we can take more of Trump’s greatness,” “Republicans fought Obama, now want cooperation,” “Latest letters prompt response from reader,” “How is Trump a step in the right direction,” “Repairs take time,” “Congress doesn’t have nation’s best interest” and “Help, don’t hinder.”  Previous letters I didn’t critique were entitled “Birth control not important issue” and “‘Our employees’ should live like us.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”

[RWC] I wonder if JB knows she also defined communism and fascism.  The difference between communism and fascism is ownership of “the means of production, distribution and exchange.”  With communism, the state owns “the means of production, distribution and exchange.”  With fascism, “the means of production, distribution and exchange” are state-regulated so tightly the state becomes the de facto owner.

“What does that mean?  If it means everyone can afford and receive healthcare, education and affordable housing, bring on the socialism.  The Republicans want us to believe these are bad things.  It will cost too much.  The proper thing to do is to give all our tax dollars to the millionaires and billionaires in hopes that they might create a job or two.”

[RWC] Socialism does NOT mean “everyone can afford and receive healthcare, education and affordable housing.”

“The reality is Republicans are cutting all regulations put in place to protect the general public.  Banking regulations have been cut, environmental regulations are being cut, protection for pre-existing conditions in healthcare are going away.  If you can’t afford it, you can’t have it.  They refuse to raise the minimum wage.  Just get another job.  Poor people are so lazy.”

[RWC] Blah, blah, blah.

“Meanwhile, they sit in their air-conditioned offices that we pay for, eat expensive lunches that we pay for, take trips and use healthcare we pay for.  Now we’re being charged $700-plus a day for every person they lock in the cages at the border.  If Republicans can’t profit off you, they have no use for you.”

[RWC] From whom does JB get her info and about whom is JB writing?  It’s hard to believe JB has no Republican friends and doesn’t patronize Republican-owned businesses.

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