Lynn Coleman Gardner – 5/4/10


This page was last updated on May 4, 2010.

Give Obama four years to do the job; Lynn Coleman [Gardner]; Beaver County Times; May 4, 2010.  Though the letter was signed “Lynn Coleman,” I’m guessing this is the same author who signed her name “Lynn Coleman Gardner,” also of White Township, to previous letters.  If any readers know differently, please let me know.

Previous letters from Ms. Gardner are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I totally agree with letter writer Stephen Kislock III (‘Hey, Tea Party, it’s my country, too,’ Tuesday) who wrote that ‘we have a black president who won big time.  Get used to it.  The election is over.’”

[RWC] Given Ms. Gardner’s letter-writing body of work, is anyone surprised she would agree with Mr. Kislock?

This is at least Ms. Gardner’s fifth attempt to defend Mr. Obama since March 2008.

“I’d like to add to that.  With all that got dropped in his lap by former President George W. Bush and the pressure he is under to do a million things, President Barack Obama can’t get it all done in 24 hours.”

[RWC] What is it with Obama supporters?  Whenever there’s criticism of Mr. Obama, it is Mr. Bush’s fault.  As for the economic problems, they are the result of policies Mr. Obama and the left pushed for decades.  Mr. Bush’s role in this is he didn’t push hard enough when he sounded the alarms throughout his administration.

“I’m going to give him four years in office to do as much as humanly possible.  Things take time and there aren’t any perfect human beings.  If there are, I don’t want to know them.”

[RWC] Note Ms. Gardner isn’t specific about what she means by “as much as humanly possible.”  Given her letter-writing body of work, including support of Obamacare, Ms. Gardner means socialism and beyond.  For the good of our country, I hope we elect enough conservatives to Congress this year so we can stop and rollback as much of Mr. Obama’s leftist agenda as possible.

“I like the fact that God forgives and he’s not critical and judgmental.”

[RWC] What hypocrisy!  I guess Ms. Gardner assumes (hopes?) we forgot what she wrote in her previous letters about people whose political views differ from hers.

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