Jesse Green, Jr. – 12/16/10


This page was last updated on December 17, 2010.

‘Why should God bless America?’; Jesse Green, Jr.; Beaver County Times; December 16, 2010.

Some previous letters from Mr. Green are here, here, here, here, and here.

As you read the letter below, keep in mind Mr. Green believes disagreement with President Obama’s policies is the result of racism.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“‘God bless America.’

“How often have we heard this hue and cry from our politicians and others whose sole purpose is to make life as difficult as possible for the poor, elderly, underemployed and working-class people in America?

“Any good piece of legislation designed to ease some of the pain felt by the aforementioned groups has been squashed by Republican lawmakers.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Green simply makes drive-by accusations without providing any specifics.  This holds off any response other than “oh yeah?”

“We’re spending too much money, they cry, while extending themselves huge tax cuts.  The president cannot do his job effectively because his hands are constantly being tied by Republicans and some Democrats, who lack the courage to do what is fair and right.”

[RWC] What “huge tax cuts” are “Republican lawmakers” “extending themselves” and how?  In case Mr. Green didn’t notice, Democrats are the majority in both houses of Congress and President Obama is a Democrat.  If Mr. Green is talking about the Bush-era tax rates, Mr. Obama himself finally admitted letting them expire would cost the average family $3,000 per year.

“My question to these lawmakers: Why should God bless America?  We have kept him out of our schools, our public buildings and our job sites.  Even the nativity, a scene that depicts the very birth of our lord and savior, has come under fire in some communities.”

[RWC] I hope Mr. Green isn’t trying to pin this on Republicans or the right.

“As we go into the new year and Republican and Tea Party lawmakers alike rub their hands together with glee, a word of caution.  You’ve sown the wind, be prepared to reap the whirlwind.”

[RWC] If as a group Republicans go back to their Democrat-lite ways, they will fail.  If Republicans govern using the conservative principles that got them elected, they will be successful and will do well in 2012.

That said, let’s remember Democrats are still the majority in the Senate and Mr. Obama can veto anything he doesn’t like with nearly no chance his veto will be overridden.  As a reminder, a veto override requires a 2/3 vote of each house of Congress.  This means a lot of Democrats would have to join Republicans to override a veto.

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