Jerry Miskulin – 4/13/14


This page was last updated on April 14, 2013.

Minimum wage must change; Jerry Miskulin; Beaver County Times; April 13, 2014.

I encourage you to review Mr. Miskulin’s body of work in the archives.  Mr. Miskulin has written at least 97 letters since 2004 (I didn’t critique all of them.).  Most (all?) are illogical and full of falsehoods (not just wrong).

Mr. Miskulin expressed displeasure with the tea parties (here and here), proclaimed “Rush Limbaugh is a propaganda minister,” and told us “Tariff is the best way to reduce deficit.”  Mr. Miskulin’s most recent letter I critiqued was “Under neighbor’s thumb.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Has there been anything that’s caused a longer ‘trail of tears’ in Pennsylvania than the minimum wage as it has existed through the years?”

[RWC] Mr. Miskulin wrote a previous letter on this topic entitled “Minimum wage should be raised.”  Please read my paper “Minimum Wage.”

“How can somebody work 40 hours a week and live in poverty?  It saddens me to see man’s inhumanity to man.

“For many, it’s all about class, who is on the top and who is on the bottom.  They don’t want anybody in the middle.  A [sic] the years have gone by, think of all those human spirits just ground into the ground.”

[RWC] Who is “they?”

“Look around you and you’ll see there’s suffering everywhere.  People are just looking out for their own.  That’s when you know a democracy is failing.  They see the differences in people rather than the similarities.  In 10 to 15 years, Pennsylvania will be like Mississippi.  People will say they didn’t see it coming, but look at what we’ve become.”

[RWC] “They see the differences in people rather than the similarities?”  Mr. Miskulin himself supports politics that divides people into “victim” groups based on age, income, sex, skin color, and on and on.

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