Jewel Robertson – 7/27/17


This page was last updated on July 30, 2017.

Why would Trump talk politics to Boy Scouts?; Jewel Robertson; Beaver County Times; July 27, 2017.

Until January 2007, Ms. Robertson’s (JR) letters (here, here, here, and here) focused on bashing President Bush.  In her first letter, Ms. Robertson opined that President Bush could be listening to Satan.  That tells us much of what we need to know about Ms. Robertson.  Since January 2007, race has been a regular feature of her letters, though Ms. Robertson reverted to Bush bashing in “‘No one can be as bad as Bush was’.”  As I wrote about another serial Bush-basher, I guess some addictions are too tough to overcome.  More recent Robertson letters I critiqued were “Poet Langston Hughes’ words are relevant today,” “America’s time has come to repent of its sins,” “Enough with disrespect,” “Reagan hurt veterans,” “Boils down to hate,” and “Attacks on president disrespectful.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I don’t know where the government is going.  When the president of the United States talks politics to a group of Boy Scouts, something is wrong.”

[RWC] President Trump’s (DT) speech at the Boy Scout National Jamboree is here.  The sitting President is also the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).  The President addressing scouts at a national jamboree is a common occurrence.  I could have done without the political stuff, but the speech was far more pro-Scouting and DT gave it in person.  As an Eagle Scout, I’m relatively sure the scouts were strong enough to listen to DT without incurring long-term trauma. <g>

Unlike DT, then-President Obama chose not to speak to the Boy Scouts in person.  Instead, BHO sent a 94-second video.  That jamboree (2010) celebrated the BSA’s 100th anniversary.

“He merely wants to repeal the health-care bill because he hates President Obama.  Remember it was he who questioned President Obama’s birth place and lied about that.  He was once quoted as saying he would run for president on the GOP ticket and win because they would believe anything.”

[RWC] I’m way past tired of people who accuse their opponents of “hate” simply because they have different opinions.  It’s lazy and like crying wolf.

I don’t know DT’s reasons for wanting to repeal Obamacare, but I too want Obamacare repealed for a lot of good reasons.  Does that mean I also “hate” BHO?

As for the birther stuff, JR failed to mention Mrs. Bill Clinton (HRC) supporters started the birth certificate stuff during the 2008 Democrat primary campaign.  Note, I wrote HRC “supporters,” not HRC or her campaign.  For whatever stupid reason, DT picked up on it three to four years later.

It’s no excuse, but I suspect some people conflated birth with citizenship.  According to, BHO “held both U.S. and Kenyan citizenship as a child, but lost his Kenyan citizenship automatically on his 23rd birthday.”

As for the “GOP ticket” comment, it was fake news debunked by both and in 2015.  This was easy to fact-check; so why didn’t JR?

In the only pre-election letter JR wrote, JR falsely claimed DT lifted his campaign slogan from some poet and called DT “a copycat.”

“Some have said the president is suffering from a psychological disorder.  Perhaps some members of Congress have some problems.  We are headed down the road to destruction.  May God have mercy on us all.”

[RWC] Who are the “some?”

DT got off easy with “a psychological disorder.”  As I mentioned above, in 2004, JR wrote a letter entitled “Bush could be hearing Satan.”  JR wrote, “This war was not ordered by God, even if the president claims he hears from God every so often.  It could be Satan he is hearing from because Satan is the prince of this world.  More than likely that is who it is he is hearing from.”  The letter is no longer on the BCT website.

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