Jewel Robertson – 3/14/10


This page was last updated on March 14, 2010.

‘No one can be as bad as Bush was’; Jewel Robertson; Beaver County Times; March 14, 2010.

Until January 2007, Ms. Robertson’s letters (here, here, here, and here) focused on bashing President Bush.  In her first letter, Ms. Robertson opined that President Bush could be listening to Satan.  That tells us much of what we need to know about Ms. Robertson.  Since January 2007, race has been a regular feature of her letters.  Now Ms. Robertson is back to bashing Mr. Bush.  As I wrote about another serial Bush basher, I guess some addictions are too tough to overcome.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“After reading Friday’s article on Pat Toomey, I said, ‘How dare he?’”

[RWC] Keep in mind this comes from a woman who opined that President Bush could be listening to Satan.

“President Barack Obama is the best thing that has ever happened to the White House.  The place was a disaster when he arrived there, and young people were dying every day in Iraq.”

[RWC] First, Mr. Obama is following exactly the plan agreed to by the Iraq government and the Bush administration.

Second, note Ms. Robertson doesn’t mention Afghanistan (Casualties are higher than during the Bush administration.) and that Mr. Obama is employing the same strategy there as did the Bush administration in Iraq, a strategy Mr. Obama claimed wouldn’t work in Iraq.

This is at least the fifth letter from Ms. Robertson defending Mr. Obama (Previous examples are here, here, here, and here.).  As I wrote about another author, I can almost picture an Obama shrine in Ms. Robertson’s house.

“Let’s not forget George Bush almost gave our country to China, but who said anything?  We are in debt to China.”

[RWC] Nice try, Ms. Robertson, but Mr. Obama did nothing about this while in the Senate.  Hear of the filibuster?  In any case, Mr. Obama’s objection was only that he believed we weren’t spending enough.  Since he’s been in office, Mr. Obama has made Bush administration spending and debt look austere by comparison.

“We need health-care reform, but why would Toomey care?  He doesn’t have to worry about doctors, hospitals and prescriptions as others do.”

[RWC] Mr. Toomey also cares about healthcare reform, just not the government-run, taxpayer-funded healthcare monopoly Ms. Robertson wants.

“Obama won’t be able to please all the people all of the time.  What was done had to done to ward off a recession, and we know that.”

[RWC] Mr. Obama told us if Congress implemented his now $850 billion “stimulus” plan, unemployment would not exceed 8%.  It’s been as high as 10.1% (October 2009) and has been 9.7% the last two months.  When you factor in people who gave up looking for a job, unemployment is about 16.8% as of February 2010.  Further, the economy continues to have a net loss of jobs each month, and that includes government hiring for the census.

“There has been a change of the guard in America, and people better get used to it.  I’m happy to see someone in Washington who cares about all of the people.”

[RWC] Yeah, that must be why Mr. Obama is phasing out (no new applicants) the school voucher program for Washington, DC, children.  Remember, Mr. Obama’s children attend a private school.

“If Obama did everything you people wanted him to do, it still wouldn’t be good enough.  So don’t worry.  He will do his eight years and leave America in better shape than it was when he took office, I promise.”

[RWC] It sure would be good enough.  That can’t happen, though, because I want Mr. Obama to employ conservative principles and his leftist beliefs are at direct odds with conservative principles.  With the possible exception of Afghanistan, Mr. Obama isn’t doing anything I didn’t expect.  Then again, I paid attention to his record and what he said, wrote, et cetera.

If four or eight years of leftist policies “leave America in better shape than it was when he took office,” it will be the first time in history.

“Instead of having these attitudes, just be happy for him.  No one can be as bad as Bush was.  Amen to that.”

[RWC] Translation: Shut up.

Have you noticed the people who do the most bashing themselves want others to keep quiet?  While I disagree with just about everything Ms. Robertson writes, I would never want her to stop writing.

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