Larney Santry – 2/3/09

This page was last updated on February 8, 2009.

Thank goodness Bush is gone; Larney Santry; Beaver County Times; February 3, 2009.

In summary, as Mr. Santry’s previous letters here, here, here, here, here, and here, this is a rant devoid of facts.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The right time has finally come, and we are happy to be rid of the Bush crew that tried to run the Oval Office.”

[RWC] Yet another case of Bush Derangement Syndrome.  Will we ever find a cure? <g>  I suspect Mr. Santry will rant about Mr. Bush until the day Mr. Santry dies.

“What legacy are they talking about?  To put it bluntly, this Texas cowboy put this country through eight years of hell.

“Now, they are going to build a library for this ex-president.  Will the shelves of the library be stocked with comic books?

“The helicopter that took him away was eight years too late.  Because of him, foreign countries hate us today.”

[RWC] That’s right, the U.S. was universally loved prior to Mr. Bush taking office.

“Noticeably, he didn’t talk about his accomplishments because there weren’t any.  How about the 4,082 people who have died because of his decision to go to war?”

[RWC] Actually, Mr. Bush did “talk about his accomplishments.”  Here’s the CNN transcript of Mr. Bush’s farewell speech.

“In closing, I’m glad he’s gone forever.  He’s done.  Good riddance.

“Thank you, God, for the favor.  Amen.”

[RWC] Did you note what was missing?  There’s nothing positive about the new President, Barack Obama.

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