Jesse Green, Jr. – 11/2/11


This page was last updated on November 2, 2011.

Can’t wait for next congressional election; Jesse Green, Jr.; Beaver County Times; November 2, 2011.

Some previous letters from Mr. Green are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

As you read the letter below, keep in mind Mr. Green believes disagreement with President Obama’s policies is the result of racism.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“There is a meanspiritness [sic] that is controlling Tea Party Republicans in our Washington Legislature.”

[RWC] You’ll find Mr. Green’s definition of mean-spiritedness is when Republicans don’t sign onto President Obama’s agenda.

“Led by John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell, these Republicans, along with a few like-minded Democrats such as Jason Altmire, seek not to do the will of the American people, but only to make sure President Obama is not re-elected.”

[RWC] Mr. Green should know Tea Party members of Congress are not exactly popular with “establishment” Republicans.  According to Wikipedia, Messrs. Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell do not belong to the Tea Party caucuses of Congress.  Further, only about 25% of House Republicans belong to the House caucus and only 9% of Senate Republicans belong to the Senate caucus.

If Mr. Green believes Mr. Altmire is “like-minded” with Tea Party Republicans, he needs to get a better info source.  In a previous letter, Mr. Green wrote, “U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire … is a Republican in Democrats’ clothing.”  Mr. Green needs to check Mr. Altmire’s voting record.  If Mr. Green believes 4th District voters would elect someone a lot more to the left than Mr. Altmire, I think he’s mistaken.  You’ll recall Mr. Altmire’s predecessor (Melissa hart) was a Republican and John McCain (51%) beat Mr. Obama (47%) in Beaver County in 2008 despite a 2:1 Democrat registration advantage over Republicans.

Who says “mak[ing] sure President Obama is not re-elected” is not “the will of the American people?”  If voters liked the job done by Mr. Obama and Democrats in general over the previous two years, why did Democrats at all levels get clobbered in the 2010 election?

“These people would rather see America go down the tubes rather than help our president create jobs through his Jobs Act Bill, which according to independent economists, would create millions of jobs in the rebuilding of our infrastructure and the manufacturing of the supplies needed in this work.  The president has stated himself that the bill is not about him, but about the 14 million unemployed Americans today.”

[RWC] What a load of BS!  If you disagree with Mr. Obama on how to get things going, you “would rather see America go down the tubes.”  Can Mr. Green point to any of Mr. Obama’s economic programs from his first two years in office that worked?  If they did, why are we back at square one?

If Mr. Green is talking about the same group of “independent economists” as Mr. Obama, he should have mentioned the Obama administration chose the economists surveyed and only disclosed the names of a couple of the “independent economists.”  In any case, are these the same “independent economists” who made the same claims for the first $850 billion “jobs” bill in 2009?  How did that work out?

Perhaps Mr. Green can explain why not a single Democrat co-sponsored Mr. Obama’s tax bill (aka The American Jobs Act) in the Senate and only five Democrats co-sponsored it in the House.  If Mr. Obama’s bill were so great, why weren’t Democrats tripping over themselves to co-sponsor it?  I suspect it had something to do with the tax increase aspect of the bill Mr. Green failed to mention.

If the “president has stated himself that the bill is not about him, but about the 14 million unemployed Americans today,” it must be true.  Seriously?

As for Mr. Obama’s FDR-like approach to the economy, consider the following quote: “We have tried spending money.  We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.  And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job.  I want to see this country prosperous.  I want to see people get a job.  I want to see people get enough to eat.  We have never made good on our promises … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started … And an enormous debt to boot.” - Henry Morgenthau, FDR’s Treasury Secretary during the Great Depression, testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee in May 1939.

“We can never forget the disaster this summer over the debt ceiling lift debate, in which a bigoted, narrow-minded few held American [sic] hostage for no other reason that [sic] to make President Obama look bad.  Yet Congress fiddles while America burns.”

[RWC] What “disaster?”

Gee, a lefty accuses Republicans of bigotry.  How original.  I’m sure the Republican position had nothing to do with out-of-control spending and debt and that Mr. Obama just wanted to keep spending more and more.

“I, for one, cannot wait until our next congressional election, when I hope you will join me in voting all the Tea Party Republicans and Bluedog Democrats out of Washington.”

[RWC] The last I checked, each of us gets to vote for only one U.S. representative and, depending on the year, one U.S. senator.

Someone needs to tell Mr. Green “Tea Party Republicans and Bluedog Democrats” aren’t remotely close to each other.  So-called “Bluedog Democrats” are solidly on the left, just not as far left as even more leftist Democrats would like them to be.

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