Larry H. Mason – 1/28/15


This page was last updated on January 28, 2015.

Obama’s actions show he cares about future; Larry H. Mason; Beaver County Times; January 28, 2015.

Among previous letters from Mr. Mason were “Doing the right thing,” “Why not use Taser or pepper spray?,” “President Obama did the right thing,” “Western Pennsylvanians getting what they voted for,” “Collective bargaining a right,” “Many Americans squander an asset,” “Letting the voters have their way,” “When will troops leave Iraq?,” “Build another nuke plant,” “America must disarm Iraq,” “Win the war militarily,” “Defeat on several fronts,” and “Health care haves disdain have nots.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Why is President Obama against the building of the XL Pipeline, which would take the dirty oil from Alberta, Canada, to Texas?”

[RWC] For the same reasons we have Obamacare – ideology and politics.

“He’s against it because he cares about future generations.  He cares about his and your children and grandchildren.  He cares about global warming.”

[RWC] Sure.  Please read “Manmade Global Warming.”

“Actions and sacrifice speak louder than words.  The XL Pipeline will carry low-grade oil that will ruin the Earth’s atmosphere.”

[RWC] Historically, US refining capability has been the most advanced in the world and can turn the crappiest crude into clean, valuable products.  Without the XL Pipeline, Canada will simply build a pipeline to its west coast where the predominant customers will be non-US.  That said, transport to the USGC doesn’t guarantee consumption by US refineries.  The additional supply simply provides another option the market can use to optimize worldwide production and consumption.  More options (aka freedom) tend to translate to lower cost to meet a given demand.

“Most people say they care about future generations.  President Obama is willing to act and sacrifice.  He truly cares.  He is a true leader.”

[RWC] What of his own is “President Obama … willing to … sacrifice?”

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