Jesse Green, Jr. – 12/22/11


This page was last updated on December 27, 2011.

This is the America we live in; Jesse Green, Jr.; Beaver County Times; December 22, 2011.

Some previous letters from Mr. Green are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

As you read the letter below, keep in mind Mr. Green believes disagreement with President Obama’s policies is the result of racism.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Our great nation was founded on the belief that all men were created equal; that if you worked hard and paid your taxes, that government would work for you and all would be well with the world.”

[RWC] While I agree “[o]ur great nation was founded on the belief that all men were created equal,” I don’t know where Mr. Green came up with the rest.  I’m not a U.S. history scholar, but I know of no documents making the promises Mr. Green claims.  I believe our Founding Fathers were smarter than that.

“Sadly, in the America in which we live, we find this is not so.  We live in an America where money buys politicians, influences legislation and controls the very direction in which our country goes.”

[RWC] Based on what follows, I believe Mr. Green has a problem with money in politics only when the money supports his political opponents.

“People such as the Koch brothers and organizations led by the likes of Karl Rove and Donald Trump lead GOP lawmakers around like small children.  Every piece of legislation designed to help the poor and working class has been blocked by Republicans.”

[RWC] In case you don’t know, the Koch (pronounced “coke”) brothers are the latest lefty boogeymen because they are wealthy and contribute primarily to conservative candidates and causes.  If the Koch brothers contributed primarily to lefty candidates and causes, as do wealthy lefties like Peter Lewis, George Soros, et al, they would be lefty heroes.  For example, USW CEO Leo Gerard recently wrote of “Democratic benefactor George Soros.”  Also, let’s remember the millions of dollars thrown around by labor union management.

You’ll note Mr. Green didn’t identify any of the “piece[s] of legislation designed to help the poor and working class … blocked by Republicans.”  Drive-by accusations are typical of people who know they will lose a debate.

“In today’s America, there is no middle class, only the haves and have-nots.  The nation’s wealth is controlled by 1 percent of the population.  The very thought of having them pay their fair share of taxes is repulsive to Republican lawmakers.  GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich targets the poor, suggesting there is no work ethic in poor neighborhoods and rather than educate their children we should make them janitors.”

[RWC] Mr. Green first made his “there is no middle class, only the haves and have-nots” claim in his letter “Don’t let hatred, fear cloud judgment.”  In a subsequent letter, Mr. Green wrote, “We’re fast becoming a nation of haves and have-nots.”  I commented, “Since now we’re only “fast becoming a nation of haves and have-nots” and apparently not there yet, does that mean we’re making progress?  Did Mr. Green work on John Edwards’ (D-NC) presidential campaign?”

Based on 2009 income tax data, the top 1% (AGI greater than $344,000) of filers paid 37% of the total and the top 5% (AGI greater than $155,000) paid 59%.  How much is the top one percent’s “fair share” in Mr. Green’s opinion?  The bottom 50% (AGI less than $33,000) paid 2.3% of the total.

As for Mr. Gingrich suggesting we should make poor children janitors instead of educating them, that’s a pure fabrication.  In the interest of full disclosure, along with some fellow eighth-graders I washed dishes in my grade school’s cafeteria during lunch.  I believe some of us mopped the cafeteria floor afterward, but I could be mistaken.  Lunch was our pay.  I don’t believe the experience scarred me.  Indeed, though my family wasn’t poor and I didn’t need to work for my lunch, I chose to do so because I was proud to help even a little bit.  This program directly benefited participating kids and our families.  The program indirectly benefited other families by helping to keep the price of school lunches low.

“The vast majority of Americans want no handouts or special considerations, but only a level playing field on which to operate.”

[RWC] This sounds good, but Mr. Green doesn’t describe what he considers “a level playing field.”  I suspect Mr. Green’s “level playing field” has a strong grade to the left.

“President Obama is on the right track.  He has steadfastly fought for a fair government, despite Republican opposition.  This is the America we live in.”

[RWC] Just as he didn’t provide examples to condemn Republicans above for allegedly blocking “piece[s] of legislation designed to help the poor and working class,” Mr. Green provided no examples to support his comments “President Obama is on the right track” and “[Mr. Obama] has steadfastly fought for a fair government.”  Also, we don’t know what Mr. Green means by “the right track” and “fair.”  When leftists use the term “fair,” it usually means special treatment – either good or bad – for some target group.

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