Lynn Coleman Gardner – 4/14/11


This page was last updated on April 14, 2011.

Reward children for eating right; Lynn Coleman [Gardner]; Beaver County Times; April 14, 2011.  Though the letter was signed “Lynn Coleman,” I’m guessing this is the same author who signed her name “Lynn Coleman Gardner,” also of White Township, to previous letters.  If any readers know differently, please let me know.

Previous letters from Ms. Gardner are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Recently there has been some question about fast-food restaurants putting toys in children’s meal packages.

“Rewarding children, such as with a weekly allowance, is a good thing.

“However, I think there should be healthier standards, like getting a toy if the meals the children or their parents chose have less fat, less fried food, much less sodium and less sugar content in sodas.  (Even diet sodas aren’t wise, but that’s just my opinion.)

“Perhaps other options could be milk, sugar-free ice tea or just plain water.  A toy could then serve as a reward.  (In regard to toys in general in fast-food meals, there are better ways to spend money in this deteriorating economy.)”

[RWC] Wow, you’re really out there when you come in on the left of a Times position!  What’s funny is, as any leftist Ms. Gardner would likely get upset if you accused her of trying to control every aspect of you and your family’s lives.

“If children can walk, how about going to a playground?”

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